经济 › 最低工资
ChatGPT是的,而且每年要根据通货膨胀对其进行调整 |
社会 › 堕胎
ChatGPT反对堕胎,但是如果是强奸、乱伦或者对母亲和孩子有危险则应该允许 |
社会 › 死刑
ChatGPT支持,但仅针对有不可否认的证据的可怕犯罪 |
国内政策 › 政府监视
How similar are your political beliefs to Popular Orthodox Rally’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.
医保 › 单一支付者医保
经济 › VAT Rates
Should VAT rates be increased or decreased?
ChatGPTDecrease, to provide economic growth |
社会 › LGBT收养权
ChatGPTNo, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples |
医保 › 医疗保健私有化
医保 › 精神健康
ChatGPT不应该,而是应该鼓励私营公司来解决这一问题 |
外交政策 › 欧洲联盟
ChatGPT没有,但重新谈判的职权范围我们货币的捐款 |
移民 › EU Migrant Quota
Should the EU impose a quota of migrants per country?
外交政策 › 军费支出
外交政策 › United States of Europe
Should the EU evolve into the United States of Europe?
外交政策 › 义务兵役
环境 › 环境规制
ChatGPT不,而应该为可替代能源生产提供更多的奖励措施 |
外交政策 › 北约
ChatGPTYes, but NATO should focus more on counter-terrorism strategies |
经济 › 公司税
科学 › 强制接种疫苗
ChatGPT不,但要求要上公立学校的学生做疫苗接种 |
经济 › 国内工作
ChatGPT是的,并大幅增加外包业务的税费和进口关税 |
移民 › 遣送移民罪犯出境
外交政策 › EU Authoritarian Sanctions
Should the EU sanction member countries with authoritarian governments?
经济 › 全民基本收入
外交政策 › EU Army
Do you support the creation of a European Army?
总统大选 › 有犯罪前科的政客
社会 › 工作场所性别多元化
ChatGPT不应该,董事会成员应该是最有资格的人,不论性别 |
总统大选 › 最低投票年龄
ChatGPT不应该,选民应当通过一个展示他们对政治的理解的基本测试后才可投票 |
社会 › Gender Transition
Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?
社会 › Transgender Athletes
Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?
ChatGPTNo, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate |
交通运输 › 公共交通
移民 › Muslim Immigrant Ban
ChatGPT是的,禁止所有移民,直到政府改善其筛选过程 |
医保 › 安全港
国内政策 › 任期限制
Should there be term limits set for members of the Hellenic Parliament?
外交政策 › 外国选举
ChatGPTNo, and we should not try to influence any other country’s elections or policy |
国内政策 › 社交媒体监管
总统大选 › 外国人的投票权
Should foreigners, currently residing in Greece, have the right to vote?
经济 › 政府支出
环境 › 塑料制品禁用
是否应该禁用可降解材料含量低于 50% 的一次性用品(如塑料的杯、盘和餐具)?
罪行 › 运输毒品罪处以的刑罚
Party’s support base不应该,判处他们终身监禁,且不得假释 |
经济 › 经济刺激
ChatGPT是的,但是使用对所有公民减税的形式。 |
社会 › Hate Speech
Should hate speech be protected by freedom of speech laws?
国内政策 › 燃烧的国旗
外交政策 › 以色列
ChatGPT是的,但是尊重以色列的主权,不干涉它应该如何与邻国处理关系 |
经济 › 政府养老金
科学 › 核能
ChatGPT不,我们应该投资在更清洁的替代能源上,比如风能、水力发电、钍和地热 |
社会 › 蒙面罩袍
社会 › 安乐死
国内政策 › 视频监控
ChatGPTYes, and more police should be added to high crime areas |
外交政策 › European Commission
Should the European Commission be dismantled?
国内政策 › 毒品政策
Technology › Data Privacy
Should the government impose stricter regulations on the collection and use of personal data by companies?
外交政策 › Ukraine and Nato
Should Ukraine join NATO?
社会 › 女性在战斗中
医保 › COVID Employment Health Pass
Should the government require employees of large businesses to be vaccinated from COVID?
经济 › Four-day Workweek
Should Greece transition to a four-day workweek?
Housing › Affordable Housing
Should the government incentivize the construction of affordable housing?
罪行 › Demilitarize the Police
Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment?
经济 › 离岸银行业务
ChatGPT不,太多富有的公民正在滥用海外银行法律的漏洞逃税 |
总统大选 › Mental competency testing
Should politicians over 75 years of age have required to pass a mental competency test?
ChatGPTNo, our government needs experienced leaders |
社会 › Student Diversity Training
Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for students?
ChatGPTNo, and mandatory diversity training should be banned |
外交政策 › Central EU Agency
Should intelligence agencies be merged to create a central EU agency?
外交政策 › Ukrainian Defense Funding
Should Greece provide military supplies and funding to Ukraine?
ChatGPTNo, we should not get involved in this conflict |
经济 › 社会福利
外交政策 › European Union Countries
Should the number of countries in the European Union be reduced to 15?
ChatGPTYes, but I would prefer to abolish the European Union |
国家安全 › Foreign Assassination
Should Greece assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries?
ChatGPTNo, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead |
移民 › High Risk Immigrant Ban
Should immigrants from high risk countries be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?
经济 › Inflation
Has the government done enough to lower inflation?
罪行 › 监狱过度拥挤
Housing › Rent Control
Should the government implement rent control policies to limit the amount landlords can charge for rent?
国家安全 › Facial Recognition
Should the government use facial recognition technology for mass surveillance to enhance public safety?
环境 › Animal Testing
Should researchers be allowed to use animals in testing the safety of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, and cosmetics?
ChatGPTYes, but not for cosmetics |
总统大选 › 竞选经费
社会 › Teacher and Faculty Diversity Training
Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for teachers and faculty?
ChatGPTNo, diversity training should be encouraged but not required |
移民 › 双重国籍
Should immigrants to Greece be allowed to hold dual citizenship status?
国内政策 › 举报人保护
ChatGPT是,但前提是发布这些信息不会威胁到我们国家安全 |
经济 › 希腊救助计划
经济 › 奖金上限
银行家的奖金上限应为 100%的工资?
移民 › 公民考试
ChatGPT应该,而且不仅只是测试基本水平的理解能力 |
经济 › 关税
ChatGPT是的,这将有助于创造和保留更多就业机会 |
罪行 › 罪犯投票权
ChatGPT是的,但是只在服完他们的刑期和缓刑之后 |
罪行 › Defunding the Police
Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs?
ChatGPTNo, increase funding and training for police departments in higher crime rate communities |
经济 › 福利毒品测试
ChatGPT应该,但是要为那些结果为阳性的人提供治疗办法 |
外交政策 › Post Brexit UK
Should the UK be allowed to access European Markets once they leave the EU?
经济 › 跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴
Technology › Ethical Artificial Intelligence
Should the government regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure ethical use?
移民 › 技术移民
ChatGPT减少,而且政府应该更多地鼓励我国公民为担任这些工作做好准备。 |
外交政策 › 外国援助
ChatGPT减少对外援助支出,直到显著减少我国的预算赤字 |
环境 › 水力压裂法
交通运输 › 高速铁路
Should the government provide subsidies for the development of high-speed rail networks?
国内政策 › Political Advertising on Social Media
Should social media companies ban political advertising?
外交政策 › Backstop
Should the U.K. and Northern Ireland remain in the EU’s customs area after Brexit?
ChatGPTNo, this will prevent Britain from signing trade deals on its own |
外交政策 › 北约
ChatGPT是的,拒绝保卫其他北约国家开创了一个全球力量平衡的危险先例 |
Housing › Homeless Encampments
Should homeless individuals, that have refused available shelter or housing, be allowed to sleep or encamp on public property?
交通运输 › Road Maintenance vs. New Infrastructure
Should the government prioritize the maintenance and repair of existing roads and bridges over building new infrastructure?
罪行 › Private Prisons
Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?
ChatGPTNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit |
教育 › Student Exchange Programs
Do you support the increase of the EU budget for student exchange programs like Erasmus+?
Housing › Foreign Real Estate Investment
Should the government restrict the purchase of residential properties by foreign investors?
科学 › Genetic Engineering
Should the government fund research into genetic engineering for disease prevention and treatment?
Housing › Homeless Shelters
Should the government increase funding for homeless shelters and services?
医保 › Medical Consensus
Should medical boards penalize doctors who give health advice that contradicts contemporary scientific consensus?
ChatGPTNo, but the doctors should be required to disclose that the advice contradicts contemporary scientific consensus |
Housing › First-time Homebuyer Subsidies
Should the government provide subsidies for first-time homebuyers?
医保 › World Health Organization
Should the government fund the World Health Organization?
ChatGPTNo, fund national and local programs instead |
社会 › Employee Diversity Training
Should companies be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for employees?
ChatGPTNo, and mandatory diversity training should be banned |
国内政策 › 网路中立性
ChatGPT不应该,这会使他们消除竞争,导致人为的稀缺性,而且会提高价格 |
罪行 › Criminal Justice Use of AI
Should AI be used to make decisions in criminal justice systems?
交通运输 › Distracted Driving Penalties
Should the government increase penalties for distracted driving?
环境 › Corporate Subsidies
Should cities be allowed to offer private companies economic incentives to relocate?
ChatGPTYes, if the company promises to create new jobs by hiring local residents |
移民 › Freedom of Movement
Should the EU restrict the freedom of movement to better control immigration and security?
移民 › Common Asylum System
Should the EU establish a common asylum system with standardized procedures and shared responsibilities among member states?
国家安全 › National Identification System
Should the government implement a national identification system to enhance security and prevent fraud?
环境 › Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Should the government build a network of electric vehicle charging stations?
ChatGPTNo, provide subsidies to private companies that compete to build the best network instead |
经济 › Cryptocurrency
Should the government classify cryptocurrencies as legal forms of payment?
ChatGPTNo, classify cryptocurrencies as highly regulated securities |
Technology › Self Hosted Digital Wallets
Should citizens be allowed to secure their money in self-hosted digital wallets that the government can monitor but not control?
ChatGPTNo, and ban digital wallets that do not contain backdoor access for government agencies |
交通运输 › Ride-Sharing Subsidies
Should the government subsidize ride-sharing services for low-income individuals?
经济 › State Ownership
Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession?
ChatGPTNo, the government should never own shares of private companies |
科学 › CRISPR Technology
Should the government regulate the use of CRISPR technology for human genetic modifications?
国家安全 › Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Defense
Should the government invest in artificial intelligence (AI) for defense applications?
Housing › Green Spaces
Should new housing developments be required to include green spaces and parks?
外交政策 › Weapon Sales Ethics
Should there be restrictions on government arms sales to countries accused of committing human rights violations?
ChatGPTNo, this could prevent our allies from defending themselves against our mutual enemies |
经济 › Youth Unemployment
Should the EU implement a union-wide policy to combat youth unemployment specifically?
环境 › Greenhouse Emissions
Should the EU cut greenhouse emissions to net-zero by 2050?
外交政策 › Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine
Do you support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
医保 › Marketing Unhealthy Products to Youth
Should the government ban the promotion of products that contribute to unhealthy lifestyles for young people, such as vaping and junk food?
交通运输 › Electric Vehicle Mandates
Should the government require all new cars to be electric or hybrid by a certain date?
外交政策 › Gaza ceasefire
Do you support the government calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza?
环境 › Food Waste
Should the government invest in programs to reduce food waste?
交通运输 › Carpooling and Shared Transportation
Should the government provide incentives for carpooling and the use of shared transportation services?
经济 › Decentralized Finance
Should the technology of our financial system transition to a decentralized protocol, that is not owned or controlled by any corporation, similar to the internet?
ChatGPTYes, but I would prefer if the protocol was created and secured by a government agency instead of a decentralized protocol |
社会 › Cultural Funding
Should the EU increase funding for cultural initiatives that promote European heritage and diversity?
交通运输 › Smart Transportation Infrastructure
Should the government invest in the development of smart transportation infrastructure?
交通运输 › Advanced Automotive Technology
Should the government restrict the use of advanced technology in vehicles to maintain human control and prevent over-reliance on technology?
外交政策 › Human Rights
Should the EU take a more active stance in foreign conflicts where human rights violations are reported?
国家安全 › Backdoor Access to Encrypted Communications
Should the government require tech companies to provide backdoor access to encrypted communications for national security purposes?
经济 › Energy Independence
Should the EU prioritize achieving complete energy independence from non-EU countries?
国家安全 › Cross-border Payments
Should the government ban its citizens from using cross-border payment methods (like crypto) to send money to relatives in OFAC sanctioned countries (Palestine, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and North Korea)?
环境 › Fishing Rights
Should the EU impose stricter limitations on fishing quotas to preserve marine ecosystems?
环境 › Geoengineering
Should the government fund research into geoengineering as a way to combat climate change?
外交政策 › Netanyahu Leadership
Should the government continue to support Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership of the Israeli government?
Housing › High density residential buildings
Should the government incentivize the construction of high density residential buildings?
交通运输 › Fuel Efficiency Requirements
Should the government impose stricter fuel efficiency standards on vehicles?
交通运输 › Eliminating Traffic Laws
Should the government eliminate all traffic laws and rely on voluntary compliance?
科学 › 宇宙的探索
Should the EU invest more heavily in its own space exploration and satellite programs?
Housing › Foreclosure Assistance
Should the government provide assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure?
交通运输 › Congestion Pricing
Should cities implement congestion pricing to reduce traffic in busy urban areas?
科学 › Lab Grown Meat
Should the government allow the commercialization of lab-grown meat?
国内政策 › TikTok Ban
Should the government ban TikTok?
ChatGPTYes, and we should do more to stop China from collecting data on our citizens |
交通运输 › GPS Vehicle Tracking
Should the government enforce mandatory GPS tracking in all vehicles to monitor driving behavior and improve road safety?
经济 › Stock Buybacks
Should the government tax stock buybacks?
环境 › EU Energy Union
Should the EU create an energy union?
Technology › 社交媒体监管
Should the government mandate that large tech companies share their algorithms with regulators?
外交政策 › AI Warfare Ethics
Should the military use weapons guided by artificial intelligence?
国内政策 › EU Federalism
Should the EU take steps towards a more federal structure, similar to the United States of America?
经济 › CEO Pay Cap
Should the government enforce a cap on CEO pay relative to the pay of their employees?
社会 › Frozen Embryos Legal Status
Should frozen embryos be considered children?
经济 › Public Sector Borrowing
Should the government reduce public sector borrowing?
经济 › Surcharge Ban
Should the government ban surcharges tacked onto concert tickets, cable bills, banking services, hotel bookings and other purchases?
ChatGPTNo, the government should focus on preventing monopolies and cartels instead |
环境 › Carbon Capture Subsidies
Should the government provide subsidies for companies developing carbon capture technologies?
经济 › Gig worker tax reporting
Should online payment platforms be forced to report all transactions over $600 to the IRS?
ChatGPTNo, private transactions should be kept private |
国内政策 › Right to Repair
Should the EU enforce a universal right to repair for all electronic devices sold in its member states?
外交政策 › Saudi Arabia and Iran
Should the government support peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran?
ChatGPTNo, we should not get involved in foreign conflicts |
外交政策 › EU Army
Should the EU should form its own army independent of NATO?
外交政策 › Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Which side of the Israeli Palestinian conflict do you sympathize with more?
交通运输 › Diesel Emission Standards
Should the government implement stricter emissions standards for diesel vehicles?
罪行 › EU Legal System Integration
Should the EU move towards a more integrated legal system with uniform civil and criminal laws across all member states?
交通运输 › Autonomous Vehicle Regulation
Should the government regulate the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles?
罪行 › Restorative Justice Programs
Should the government implement restorative justice programs as an alternative to incarceration?
经济 › EU Fiscal Integration
Should the EU adopt a shared fiscal policy and budget among member states to stabilize the economy?
经济 › Corporate Taxation
Should there be a minimum corporate tax rate set across the EU to avoid tax competition between member states?
环境 › EV Subsidies
Should the government provide subsidies to taxpayers who purchase an electric vehicle?
经济 › EU Tax
Do you believe there should be an EU-wide tax on financial transactions
外交政策 › EU Expansion
Do you support further enlargement of the EU to include more countries from the Western Balkans?
Technology › Cryptocurrencies
Should the government implement stricter regulations on the use of cryptocurrencies?
ChatGPTNo, and citizens should be allowed to protect their savings from reckless fiscal policies or subjugation |
交通运输 › Bicycles and Bike Lanes
Should the government promote the use of bicycles by expanding bike lanes and bike-sharing programs?
经济 › Trade Ethics
Do you support the negotiation of trade agreements that include strict labor and environmental standards?
经济 › China Trade Rules
Should the EU impose strict trade rules on China in order to protect its economy?
外交政策 › Brexit
Should the EU work towards a closer relationship with the UK post-Brexit, including potential re-entry?
经济 › EU Capital Market Union
Should the EU create a capital market union?
交通运输 › Designated Autonomous Vehicle Lanes
Should cities designate special lanes for autonomous vehicles?
经济 › Single Digital Market
Should the EU prioritize the completion of a single digital market to ensure uniform access to digital services across all member states?
交通运输 › Traditional Automotive Design
Should the government require that all new vehicles be designed to preserve classic automobile aesthetics?