سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

10 جوابات


How would you reimagine your community if you could apply principles of social justice and equality to solve its biggest problems?


What changes would you want to see in your current education or healthcare system to ensure it serves everyone fairly?


If you had the power, how would you alter the economy to balance wealth and opportunities more evenly among citizens?


Reflect on a time when you felt a government policy directly impacted your life or the lives of those around you; what would you have changed about it?


How do you think your everyday life would change in a society that prioritizes environmental sustainability over economic growth?


Imagine a political system where decisions are made based on direct input from citizens; what is the first issue you would address?


Have you or someone you know ever felt the impact of social inequality? What steps can be taken at a local level to address this issue?


What role do you believe accountability and transparency play in creating a trustworthy government?


Discuss a moment when you had to stand up for what you believed was right against popular opinion; how did you handle it?


In what ways do you think younger generations can influence policies to create a more equitable and just society in the future?