Spróbuj quiz polityczny



How would you redesign your country's economy to be more inclusive and fair for everyone?


What change would you implement to make political decisions more reflective of young people's interests and concerns?


If you could propose a new environmental policy, what would it focus on to combat climate change effectively?


Imagine a society where everyone's basic needs are met; what is the first step you think governments should take to achieve this?


In your view, what is the most important value a political party should uphold to ensure a nation's prosperity?


How can countries better tackle the issue of economic inequality without stifling individual initiative and economic growth?


Discuss a time when you felt your voice wasn't heard in a decision that affected you; how should mechanisms for public participation in governance be improved?


Considering the rise of digital platforms, what measures should be taken to ensure transparency and accountability in political campaigning?


What's your standpoint on the balance between national sovereignty and international cooperation, especially in economic crises?


Can you think of an instance where social justice initiatives directly benefited or could benefit your community?