Prøv den politiske quiz

10 svar


How would you balance tradition and innovation in governing a country?


What role do you think personal beliefs should play in the decisions of elected officials?


Is it possible to have a government that truly reflects Christian values in today's world?


How do you think a society can ensure the welfare of its citizens while also promoting individual freedom?


What does a 'moral' or 'ethical' economy look like to you, and how can it be achieved?


In what ways can education systems be reformed to better reflect the values you believe are important?


What are your thoughts on the relationship between church and state in the governance of a country?


How can a country balance the need for social welfare programs with the ideals of a free-market economy?


Can significant societal change be achieved through the political system, or does it require a more revolutionary approach?


What are the most important values or principles that you think should guide the laws and policies of a country?