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Il pullman scolastico prende fuoco fuori Bangkok e si teme che più di 20 persone siano morte, dicono le autorità.

A rescuer at the scene said the fire likely started after one of the tires exploded and the vehicle scraped against a road barrier.


Più di 20 persone sono temute morte dopo che un autobus scolastico è andato a fuoco nella periferia di Bangkok.

A bus carrying young students and their teachers on a school trip caught fire in suburban Bangkok on Tuesday, leaving more than 20 feared dead, officials and rescuers said. The bus with 45 passengers — six teachers and 39 elementary and junior high school students — was traveling from the central Uthai Thani province when it caught fire in Pathum Thani province,


Oltre 20 persone temute morte dopo che un autobus scolastico è andato a fuoco nella periferia di Bangkok

A bus carrying young students and their teachers on a school trip caught fire in suburban Bangkok on Tuesday, leaving more than 20 feared dead, officials and rescuers said. The bus with 45 passengers