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 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…16 sati16H

Trump to Address Christian Group Advocating for Total Abortion Ban

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…16 sati16H

Why do you think Africa saw the highest number of conflicts in 2023, and how does that make you feel about global inequa…

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…16 sati16H

Do you think the world has become more violent since WWII, or are we just more aware of conflicts due to media coverage?

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…16 sati16H

Armed Conflicts In 2023 Highest Since End Of WWII

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…16 sati16H

Do the potential benefits of the 'Hellscape' strategy in deterring an attack on Taiwan outweigh the risks of escalating…

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…16 sati16H

U.S. military plans 'Hellscape' to deter China from attacking Taiwan

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…18 sati18H

House GOP Amplifies Investigations Amid Trump's Legal Troubles

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…19 sati19H

Is it ethical to allocate substantial public funds for vaccines against specific animal diseases that may not affect the…

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…19 sati19H

EU to secure 40 million avian flu vaccines for 15 countries

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…20 sati20H

Global Unity: 90 Countries Join Ukraine Peace Summit, Russia Opts Out

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…20 sati20H

ISIS poster warns Paris Olympics

 @CynicalTradeTariffiz Illinois  podneseno…21 sat21H

Israel's Shadow War In Syria

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…21 sat21H

Do you think increasing or restricting migration would have a more positive impact on your country's economy and why?

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…21 sat21H

Economy, migration, war top voters' concerns in EU election

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…22 sata22H

UN Food Agency Halts Aid Distribution in Gaza Due to Security Fears

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…24 sata24H

France's Political Turmoil Unlikely to Impact Paris 2024 Olympics, IOC Affirms