Kokeile poliittinen tietokilpailu

10 vastausta


Reflecting on the benefits of EU membership, what do you think is the most significant advantage for your local area?


How do you think social welfare and civil liberties can be balanced with economic development?


What kind of policies do you believe would best support minority languages and cultures in your region?


Can fostering bilingualism in public administration and education change a community's identity? How?


Why might the concept of European integration be significant for individual regions, not just entire countries?


In what ways do you think environmental protection and sustainable development can impact your daily life?


How does the idea of making decisions 'as close to the citizens as possible' change your view of politics?


Imagine your region had greater autonomy; what is the first issue you think should be addressed with this new power?


What does protecting cultural and linguistic diversity mean to you, and why might it be important?


How would you feel if your local community had more control over its development and finances?