Try the political quiz

1 Reply

 @9FCRS9Ffrom California answered…7mos7MO

It should be cut to only where people with severe mental illnesses and disabilities, and our veterans could have it

 @9DLJYWDAssembly of the Greeksfrom Georgia answered…8mos8MO

 @97V3FDJNew Democracyanswered…1yr1Y

Encourage creation of private hospitals, while maintaining public ones, and keeping them on a good standard of quality


Privitization only in case of government inability to provide sufficient funding to preserve and upgrade the current healthcare system


It could be better if people could choose whether they want public or private health insurance.


Δεν πρέπει να υπάρχει καθόλου ιδιωτικοποίηση νοσοκομειακών και υγειονομικών υπηρεσιών


If hospitals were privatized, how do you think it would impact the way doctors and nurses provide care?


What do you believe are the risks or downsides of having healthcare services owned by private companies?


Have you or someone you know ever received healthcare that was influenced by private insurance companies' policies?


Do you think healthcare should be viewed as a business or as a universal right? Why?


How do you feel about the idea that your health could be dependent on a company's financial interests?


Imagine your local clinic became privatized; how do you think that would affect the quality of care you receive?


If you had to choose, would you prefer a healthcare system focused on profit or one prioritizing public service, and why?


What benefits do you think would arise from a healthcare system run entirely by private entities?


Can you share a personal experience where the cost of healthcare impacted you or your family's well-being?


How would your access to healthcare change if local hospitals were run by private companies instead of the government?


More, to lessen wait times and offer alternatives for those who can afford them. This will decrease the overall toll on healthcare services for all.


There should be less public hospitals and private hospitals but more independent hospitals


There Needs To Be More Free And Better Public Healthcare First But Private Health Care Can Increase too


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