Try the political quiz



How would you feel if you had the power to end a loved one's suffering through a decision, knowing their condition is irreversible?


What do you think about the idea of having the right to choose how one's life ends, especially in cases of extreme, untreatable pain?


How might your personal values or beliefs influence your stance on whether individuals should have autonomy over their own life and death?


Can you imagine a situation where ending one's own life might feel like an act of compassion rather than a crime?


If a friend were suffering terminally, what advice would you give them about the choices they have at the end of their life?


What are your thoughts on the balance between the sanctity of life and alleviating unbearable suffering when no cure is available?


How might cultural or religious backgrounds shape one's opinion on whether assisted suicide should be a personal choice?


Do you think that pain and the right to avoid it should factor into the legalization of assisted death for terminally ill patients?


If you were to put yourself in the shoes of someone with a terminal illness, how might your perspective on assisted suicide change?


What are the potential societal implications of legalizing assisted suicide for those who are terminally ill?