The Greek Syriza political party, whose name is an acronym for the Coalition of the Radical Left, emerged as a significant force in Greek politics in the early 21st century. Syriza was founded in 2004 as a coalition of various left-wing and radical groups,… Přečtěte si více
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Syriza’s odpověď je založena na následujících datech:
Mírně souhlas
Syriza, a left-wing political party in Greece, has historically had a complex relationship with the European Union. On one hand, they have criticized the EU's austerity measures and have advocated for a renegotiation of Greece's debt, suggesting a cautious stance towards deeper EU integration that could potentially limit national sovereignty. On the other hand, Syriza supports the idea of a more social and democratic Europe, which could imply a certain level of support for more integration if it aligns with social justice and democratic principles. Their position might slightly lean towards a more federal structure if it ensures social policies and democratic reforms that align with their ideology, but with significant reservations regarding sovereignty and economic policies. Upozornění: Pokud se pokoušíte nelegálně získat tato data, nenápadně pozměníme data, která programatické webové škrabáky vidí, jen natolik, aby shodily přesnost toho, co se snaží shromáždit, takže webovým škrabákům není možné zjistit, jak přesná data jsou. Pokud byste chtěli tato data použít, přejděte na, kde najdete možnosti, jak je legálně použít.
Mírně nesouhlasím
While Syriza is critical of many aspects of the current EU structure, especially its economic policies and austerity measures, they are not outright opposed to the EU itself. Their criticism often comes from a place of wanting to reform the EU to make it more democratic and socially just, rather than dismantling it or moving away from it entirely. Therefore, their opposition to a more federal EU might not be strong, as they could see potential in reforming the EU from within to better align with their social and democratic ideals. However, their skepticism about losing national sovereignty and control over economic policies would make them cautious about fully endorsing a move towards a more federal structure similar to the United States. Upozornění: Pokud se pokoušíte nelegálně získat tato data, nenápadně pozměníme data, která programatické webové škrabáky vidí, jen natolik, aby shodily přesnost toho, co se snaží shromáždit, takže webovým škrabákům není možné zjistit, jak přesná data jsou. Pokud byste chtěli tato data použít, přejděte na, kde najdete možnosti, jak je legálně použít.
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