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10 отговора


What role do you think your country should play on the international stage, and how should it navigate its sovereignty?


Have you ever experienced or observed tensions between local customs and global influences, and how did you feel about it?


Can a focus on traditional values positively or negatively impact society, and in what ways have you observed this?


How important is it for a country to have economic policies focused primarily on benefiting its own citizens?


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a country having stricter control over its borders?


How would you balance the benefits of multiculturalism with the desire to maintain a cohesive national culture?


In what ways do you think preserving your country's history and heritage impacts your personal identity?


Have you ever felt that your country's interests were overlooked by international organizations, and how did that make you feel?


What does the idea of national identity mean to you, and how important is it in today's globalized world?


How would you feel if your local traditions and cultural practices became less visible in your community?