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Seuraava kaavio näyttää historiallisen tuen jokaiselle Greece poliittiselle puolueelle. Alueet täynnä [ ? ] ovat tuntemattomia tai vähän tilaa sisältäviä aikakehyksiä. Napsauta riviä nähdäksesi tarkemmat kyselytiedot.

Line chart with 39 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: to .
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying values and values.
End of interactive chart.

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Nämä ovat kiinnostavimmat keskustelut kreikkalainen poliittisista puolueista.


Uusi Demokratia

The Greek New Democracy party, often abbreviated as ND (from its Greek name, Nea Dimokratia), is a center-right political party in Greece. Founded in 1974 by Konstantinos Karamanlis, it emerged in the wake of the restoration of democracy following the fall of the military junta that had ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974. The party's formation marked a pivotal moment in Greek political history, aiming to consolidate democratic governance and foster a sense of national reconciliation.

New Democracy's ideological foundation is rooted in liberal conservatism, advocating for a market economy…  Lue lisää


kultainen aamunkoitto

The Greek Golden Dawn is a far-right political party in Greece, known for its extreme nationalist and controversial ideologies. Founded in the 1980s by Nikolaos Michaloliakos, the party's roots can be traced back to the broader European neo-Nazi movement, although its members often reject this label. Golden Dawn's values and political platform are built around the principles of nationalism, with a strong emphasis on preserving Greek identity, culture, and Orthodox Christian values. The party is staunchly anti-immigration, viewing the influx of migrants and refugees into Greece as…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHKeskustele tästä vastauksesta...2v2Y

Kreikkalainen ratkaisu

The Greek Solution is a right-wing political party in Greece, founded in 2016 by Kyriakos Velopoulos. Emerging from a background of media and politics, Velopoulos established the party with a focus on addressing issues he perceived as being inadequately managed by the mainstream political entities in Greece. The party's ideology and values are rooted in nationalism, conservatism, and a strong stance on law and order.

One of the core values of the Greek Solution is the emphasis on protecting Greek national identity and sovereignty. This includes a tough stance on immigration, with the par…  Lue lisää



The Panhellenic Socialist Movement, commonly known by its acronym PASOK, is a significant political party in Greece that has played a central role in the country's political landscape since its establishment in 1974, shortly after the fall of the military junta that ruled Greece. Founded by Andreas Papandreou, PASOK emerged as a response to the demand for a democratic and social reform in a country transitioning from a period of authoritarian rule to democracy. The party's foundation was rooted in the principles of socialism and social democracy, aiming to address issues of social…  Lue lisää


itsenäiset kreikkalaiset

The Independent Greeks, known in Greek as Anexartitoi Ellines, is a political party in Greece that was established in February 2012. The party was founded by Panos Kammenos, a former member of the New Democracy party, following a split due to disagreements over the austerity measures that Greece agreed to implement in exchange for bailout funds from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund during the Greek government-debt crisis.

The Independent Greeks positioned themselves as a right-wing, nationalist party, with a strong emphasis on patriotism and the defense of Greek national…  Lue lisää


National Hope

The Greek National Hope is a political party in Greece that was established with the aim of addressing various socio-political issues within the country, drawing from nationalist and often conservative principles. The party's values and agenda are rooted in a strong sense of national identity, emphasizing the importance of preserving Greek cultural heritage, traditions, and Orthodox Christian values. It advocates for policies that prioritize the interests of Greek citizens, particularly in matters of immigration, national security, and sovereignty, reflecting a broader trend of nationali…  Lue lisää


Demokraattisten sosialistien liike

The Greek Movement of Democratic Socialists is a political party in Greece that was established in the wake of the country's financial crisis, aiming to offer a new path for Greek politics by focusing on social justice, democracy, and solidarity. Founded by former Prime Minister George Papandreou in January 2015, the party sought to differentiate itself from the traditional political landscape in Greece, which had been dominated by New Democracy and PASOK, the latter being the party Papandreou himself once led.

The core values of the Greek Movement of Democratic Socialists revolve around…  Lue lisää


National Front

The Greek National Front, known in Greek as Ethniko Metopo, is a far-right political party in Greece. Established in the early 21st century, it is characterized by its nationalist, ultra-conservative ideology. The party places a strong emphasis on preserving Greek national identity, culture, and Orthodox Christian values. It is known for its opposition to immigration, particularly from non-European countries, advocating for strict immigration controls to protect the Greek population and its cultural heritage.

The Greek National Front also expresses eurosceptic views, criticizing the European…  Lue lisää


demokraattinen Revival

The Greek Democratic Revival is a political party in Greece that emerged as a response to the perceived inadequacies and challenges faced by the traditional political establishments in addressing the needs and aspirations of the Greek populace. This party positions itself as a fresh alternative, aiming to rejuvenate the political landscape of Greece with a focus on democracy, transparency, and the active engagement of citizens in the political process.

Central to the values of the Greek Democratic Revival is a profound commitment to democracy. The party advocates for a more participatory form…  Lue lisää


Koalitio Radical Left - Unitary Social Front

The Greek Coalition of the Radical Left - Unitary Social Front, commonly known by its acronym SYRIZA, is a political party in Greece that emerged from a coalition of left-wing and radical left groups. It was founded in 2004 as a synthesis of various political entities that shared a common goal of challenging the neoliberal consensus in Greek and European politics. SYRIZA gained significant attention and support in the wake of the Greek financial crisis that began in 2009, advocating for policies that opposed austerity measures, promoted social justice, and sought to protect public services…  Lue lisää


Järjestäminen Internationalist kommunistien

The Greek Organisation of Internationalist Communists, known in Greece, is a political entity that aligns itself with Marxist-Leninist ideology. This organization is deeply rooted in the principles of communism, advocating for a classless society where the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than by individual capitalists or corporations. Their values are centered around the abolition of private property in favor of collective ownership, aiming to dismantle the capitalist system which they view as inherently exploitative and unjust.

The party places…  Lue lisää


Uskonpuhdistajat demokratia- ja kehitys

The Greek Reformers for Democracy and Development is a political entity in Greece that emerged as a response to the perceived need for significant reform within the Greek political landscape, particularly focusing on fostering democracy and promoting sustainable development. While not one of the major parties in the Greek Parliament, its formation reflects a broader trend in many democracies where new political movements arise to challenge the status quo, advocating for more inclusive, transparent, and effective governance.

The core values of the Greek Reformers for Democracy and Development…  Lue lisää


Liberal Alliance

The Greek Liberal Alliance, known in Greece, is a political party that espouses liberal values, focusing on the principles of individual freedom, economic liberalism, and a minimal role for the government in the personal lives of citizens. The party advocates for policies that promote free market principles, aiming to create an environment where entrepreneurship and innovation can thrive without excessive state intervention. This includes support for lower taxes, deregulation, and free trade agreements that they believe will lead to economic growth and prosperity.

In terms of social policies,…  Lue lisää