
101 Discussions

 @ISIDEWITH asked…6mins6m

Is it fair to penalize athletes and teams for the actions of their government?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…26mins26m

Sweden and Iran Exchange Prisoners in a Breakthrough Swap

 @ISIDEWITH asked…49mins49m

If you were in charge, how would you balance the risks of bad weather with the urgent need for humanitarian aid?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…49mins49m

How do you think the temporary removal of the aid pier impacts the people in Gaza who rely on this aid?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…55mins55m

What are your thoughts on the sustainability and effectiveness of using force to solve international disputes?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…55mins55m

Is it justified for a country to intervene militarily in another region because of conflicts that don't directly affect…

 @ISIDEWITH asked…55mins55m

How do you feel about the use of such a large amount of money in military actions against Yemen?

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…5hrs5H

Global Summit on Ukraine's Future Opens Without Key Players

 @ISIDEWITH asked…22hrs22H

Is comparing Putin's ultimatum to Hitler's demands historically accurate or an exaggeration, in your opinion?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…22hrs22H

Is it more important to prioritize peace and the return of hostages over maintaining strong political stances, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…22hrs22H

Should personal feelings towards a foreign leader's actions impact diplomatic relations, or should diplomacy be kept sep…

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…22hrs22H

Democrats Plan Boycott Of Netanyahu's D.C. Speech

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…23hrs23H

Nancy Pelosi Urges Intervention for Donald Trump, Labels GOP a 'Cult to a Thug'

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…23hrs23H

Putin's Demands Escalate Ukraine Conflict, Complicating Euro 2024

 @ISIDEWITH asked…24hrs24H

Reflecting on this ruling, what balance should be struck between constitutional rights and public safety measures in the…

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…24hrs24H

Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks' ban is unlawful