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101 Discuții

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…34 de minute34m

Biden's Cease-Fire Call Puts Netanyahu at a Defining Juncture Amidst Israel-Gaza Conflict

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…49 de minute49m

Senator Bob Menendez to Run for Reelection as Independent Amid Bribery Charges

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

Do you believe that higher wages should come at the cost of higher costs for healthcare and other services?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

How would you balance the need for fair wages with the risk of job loss or reduced hours?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

Should all workers, regardless of their job, earn a living wage, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

Is it fair for workers to have their hours cut if it means their hourly wage increases?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

How do you feel about the government determining the minimum wage instead of the market dictating it?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

If given a choice, would you support or oppose your country's involvement in a global peace summit? Why?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

Do you believe it's fair for countries to buy resources from another nation if it indirectly supports a conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…1 oră1H

How would you feel if a country tried to influence or sabotage an international peace summit? Why?

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…1 oră1H

Zelensky accuses Russia and China of undermining peace summit

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…2 ore2H

How important is it for countries to keep their promises, especially in sensitive matters like military support and terr…

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…2 ore2H

What are your thoughts on the potential consequences of escalations in international conflicts, especially involving nuc…

 @ISIDEWITH întrebat…2 ore2H

Do you believe there are situations where one country should intervene in another's affairs, and if so, under what circu…

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…2 ore2H

Russia Warns U.S. Over "Fatal Escalation" In Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…2 ore2H

Claudia Sheinbaum aleasă ca prima femeie președinte a Mexicului

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…4 ore4H

Imran Khan Acquitted in State Secrets Case but Remains Behind Bars

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…6 ore6H

Claudia Sheinbaum Makes History as Mexico's First Female President

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…6 ore6H

Elections Heat Up in the UK and New Jersey: What Voters Need to Know

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…8 ore8H

Georgia Enacts Controversial 'Foreign Agents' Law Amidst Political Turmoil

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…10 ore10H

Deadly Heat Wave Sweeps Across India, Claiming Lives and Overwhelming Healthcare

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…10 ore10H

EU Battles Russian Disinformation Ahead of Parliament Elections

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…11 ore11H

Claudia Sheinbaum Poised to Become Mexico's First Female President

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…12 ore12H

Controversy and Protest Erupt at NYC Israel Day Parade

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…12 ore12H

ANC se confruntă cu o pierdere istorică a majorității în Parlamentul Africii de Sud

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…18 ore18H

Mexicanii din întreaga lume își exprimă voturile într-o alegeri istorice, urmărind prima președintă femeie.

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…19 ore19H

Zelenskiy și ministrul chinez al apărării fură lumina reflectoarelor la conferința de securitate de prim rang din Asia

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…20 de ore20H

Remorcherul strategic asupra viitorului Taiwanului

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…21 ore21H

Serbia se confruntă cu alegeri municipale tensionate în mijlocul acuzațiilor de fraudă și luptei pentru putere

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…22 de ore22H

ANC stă ferm în spatele lui Ramaphosa în mijlocul discuțiilor privind coaliția

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…23 de ore23H

Netanyahu at a Crossroads: Ceasefire or Government Collapse?

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…24 de ore24H

Zelensky's Global Plea: Unite Against Russian Aggression, Warns Against China's Support

 @ISIDEWITH trimis…24 de ore24H

Global Political Dynamics Intensify Amidst Elections and Trump's Conviction